Sunday, October 30, 2011

Negative Influence of Hip Hop

Hip Hop has had many different stages. Beat boxing, poetic meaningful lyrics and now sex and violence. Hip hop has a tremendous influence on society and especially the youth. They youth are target listeners for most artist. Over the past 30+ years the trends in hip hop are often mimicked around the world from young children and some adults. Hip hop artist are seen as role models and are setting examples for society rather they choose to or not. Young children see the rappers and see that they have money, so they think in order to get money they have to act just as they do.  When yo watch music videos you see guys with big chain and girl with skimpy clothes on, none of which set a good example for the listeners. Violence and sex are a epedemic in the hip hop world. From the way rappers and singers dress to the way they talk eveything they do is put into the spotlight. Music artist need to realize that they are what young people want to become. Lyrics also have a equal amount of influence like the videos. The trendy topics in hip hop today are drugs, money and sex. I strongly believe that if music artist didnt rap about sex and violence our communities would not be what they are today. If we dont have postivity coming from who the youth admires, then how can we  expect our youth to be positive.  youth are in an akward stage where they are trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in and music plays a big part in their decisions. We do still have a few artist that choose to rap about more positive topics but the negative rappers tend to over power them. Our world has become so excepting of negative influences I wonder if we can ever get back on the right track.

When the change in hip hop music came, it took a turn for the worst. I personally prefer not to listen to negative music, so i find my self struggling to find music i can enjoy. I believe that if more people dont speak out about the negative effects of music today it will continue to be developed and our communites will continue to be violent.

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