Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Repetitive Fashion

Fashion is one of many things that change with each generation. I myself, have seen many different fashion eras. Fashion can change within a blink of the eye. In my experience most of the fashion in my neighborhood comes from music videos. People see how celebrities dress in the music video and mimick them. The  media sets trends for everyone.
Fashion has repeated itself. gym shoes form the 80's and 90's are coming back in style and the clothing styles are going backwards as well. I have a few pair of gym shoe that were out in the late 80's. When i look at some of my familes old photos, I see similar styles with the way we dress today. We put our own style into the clothing but they are still very similar to to the years generations before. Will we continue to have the same fashion sense as our parents?
I notice how much our generation dressed like we were in the 80's or 90's when I watch some old tv shows like "Fresh Prince" and "Martin".Our styles are very similar if not completely the same as I see on those television shows. If we continue to repeat fashion history it may just become a cycle. Maybe our children will be wearing what we wear today 25 years from now. I wonder if we will start to create our own orginal style of clothes or just continue to follow the leader. Not only are we wearing what our parents wore, but what everyone in our surrouding is wearing.
I personally have my own way of dressing. I tend to set trends and not follow them. I dont follow what I see in the videos with the guys that have all the tattoos and skinny jeans. I find myself switching up my style every once in a while because I dont want to be stuck in one style of dress.  Most of the people in my generation seem to have around the same style of dress.  Getting stuck in this category is not for me.  If you notice, it's the person that looks or dresses different that stands out from the crowd. 
Have you ever been to a party and you notice someone with the exact same shirt or pants you have on? I have.  To me this shows your dress style is so similar to everyone elses.  In order to get around this problem you may want to start shopping at a new store.  It doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive store but it does have to be different in style.

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