Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Repetitive Fashion

Fashion is one of many things that change with each generation. I myself, have seen many different fashion eras. Fashion can change within a blink of the eye. In my experience most of the fashion in my neighborhood comes from music videos. People see how celebrities dress in the music video and mimick them. The  media sets trends for everyone.
Fashion has repeated itself. gym shoes form the 80's and 90's are coming back in style and the clothing styles are going backwards as well. I have a few pair of gym shoe that were out in the late 80's. When i look at some of my familes old photos, I see similar styles with the way we dress today. We put our own style into the clothing but they are still very similar to to the years generations before. Will we continue to have the same fashion sense as our parents?
I notice how much our generation dressed like we were in the 80's or 90's when I watch some old tv shows like "Fresh Prince" and "Martin".Our styles are very similar if not completely the same as I see on those television shows. If we continue to repeat fashion history it may just become a cycle. Maybe our children will be wearing what we wear today 25 years from now. I wonder if we will start to create our own orginal style of clothes or just continue to follow the leader. Not only are we wearing what our parents wore, but what everyone in our surrouding is wearing.
I personally have my own way of dressing. I tend to set trends and not follow them. I dont follow what I see in the videos with the guys that have all the tattoos and skinny jeans. I find myself switching up my style every once in a while because I dont want to be stuck in one style of dress.  Most of the people in my generation seem to have around the same style of dress.  Getting stuck in this category is not for me.  If you notice, it's the person that looks or dresses different that stands out from the crowd. 
Have you ever been to a party and you notice someone with the exact same shirt or pants you have on? I have.  To me this shows your dress style is so similar to everyone elses.  In order to get around this problem you may want to start shopping at a new store.  It doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive store but it does have to be different in style.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Negative Influence of Hip Hop

Hip Hop has had many different stages. Beat boxing, poetic meaningful lyrics and now sex and violence. Hip hop has a tremendous influence on society and especially the youth. They youth are target listeners for most artist. Over the past 30+ years the trends in hip hop are often mimicked around the world from young children and some adults. Hip hop artist are seen as role models and are setting examples for society rather they choose to or not. Young children see the rappers and see that they have money, so they think in order to get money they have to act just as they do.  When yo watch music videos you see guys with big chain and girl with skimpy clothes on, none of which set a good example for the listeners. Violence and sex are a epedemic in the hip hop world. From the way rappers and singers dress to the way they talk eveything they do is put into the spotlight. Music artist need to realize that they are what young people want to become. Lyrics also have a equal amount of influence like the videos. The trendy topics in hip hop today are drugs, money and sex. I strongly believe that if music artist didnt rap about sex and violence our communities would not be what they are today. If we dont have postivity coming from who the youth admires, then how can we  expect our youth to be positive.  youth are in an akward stage where they are trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in and music plays a big part in their decisions. We do still have a few artist that choose to rap about more positive topics but the negative rappers tend to over power them. Our world has become so excepting of negative influences I wonder if we can ever get back on the right track.

When the change in hip hop music came, it took a turn for the worst. I personally prefer not to listen to negative music, so i find my self struggling to find music i can enjoy. I believe that if more people dont speak out about the negative effects of music today it will continue to be developed and our communites will continue to be violent.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Texas Hold Em'

I'm writing this blog today because I just won eighty dollars playing Texas hold em' poker.  Texas hold em' is one of the many poker card games.  Each player recieves two playing cards in a random order and has to make the best of them.  An ace is the highest or best card in the deck and the deuce is the lowest or weakest card in the deck.  Based on those two cards a player is allowed a round of betting at their discretion.  If a bet is placed by any player each player after him or her must match the bet or discontinue the hand and win no money.  Once the bet is placed, the flop comes out.  The flop is a set of three community cards in which each player can use to strengthen their orignal hand.  After that, another round of betting occurs unless everyone checks.  A check is when a player passes the motion to the next player.  Therefore, the next player can either check or bet and so on.  If a player bets then every person following that player must match the bet or raise the bet.  A raise is when a player bets and the person in the next order doubles, triples or places a higher bet.  After those bets have been placed the turn comes out.  The turn is the fourth card on the community that players use to strengthen their orignal hand.  Another round of betting takes place and then the final card comes out on the community which is called the river.  After the river, another round of checking or betting occurs at the players discretion.  When those bets have been placed, each remaining player in the card hand turns over their cards to see who has the winning hand.  Whomever wins the hand recieves all the earnings on the table or in the pot.  The pot is all the money from players betting.
Texas hold em' is a game in which you never really know what another player is holding in their hand.  You basically make blind bets based off of your hand or what you think another person has.  Often times you may see poker players wearing sunglasses or hats to cover their eyes.  This is because some people believe the look in someone's eyes can give them away.  If this is true, sunglasses and hats would be a great disguise.  Although poker is fun to play it can be addictive so I try to play with a set amount of money.  If I win money, I take half of my winnings and play again.  If I lose money I put up more but very little.  If I lose that money then I quit.  As long as I'm winning I continue playing.  Sometimes you have to know when to hold em' and sometimes you have to know when to fold em'!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cell Phone or Handy Computer

I was watching television early today and noticed they had a new iphone commercial. The commercial advertised the newest iphone which is the iphone 4S. Their marketing feature was the "Siri". The Siri is a application which allows you to locate any information on your phone by voice. You can find out anything from how the traffic is to the closest lock smith near you. Watching the iphone commerical made me think of just how much cell phones have advanced.There was a time when cell phones only could make calls and were the size of your home phone. Now making calls are just the tip of the iceberg. Cell phones have the ability to check emails, weather, facebook, navigation, etc. The competition between phone companies have grown, they force their competition to come up with idea that take cell phone feature to the next level.  The phone are beginning to become more like computers daily. I rarely even use my laptop anymore.It is so much more convienent to just pull my cell phone out and search the web. Having a cell phone that does just about anything a computer can can comes in handy. I wonder what the future holds with the new developments that are discovered in technology daily.

I personally think cell phones today are handy computers.The improvements that are made to cell phones are well needed. I take full advantage of the feature on my cell phone.  They are combining two devices into one. The feature and competition of cell phone companies will definitely continue to rise.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weather Alert!!!

So, it's going on the middle of October and the temperature is crazy.  Just last week the temperature was eighty degrees the whole week.  This upcoming week is going to bring at least three days in which the temperature will be at least  eighty degrees.  Is global warming really taking a toll on the atmosphere or is this warm, sunny weather just luck?  Either way, I think people really don't mind the global warming atmosphere as long as they get to enjoy the weather.  During the rest of the week the temperature is predicted to drop to mid 60's.  Perhaps we should enjoy the beginning of the week.  After all, it may be the end of the beautiful weather.  We should consider ourselves lucky because normally the temperature would be around 55 to 60 degrees.  Thats a whole 20 degrees warmer.  On the contrary, we might have a late winter due to all the great weather we are receiving.  It could possibly be snow or freezing cold in early april.  It sounds like quite the exaggeration but it's possible if we are having temperatures of eighty in mid october.  The increase in temperature of the earth's atmosphere is causing a lot of people in the illinois area to be very satisfied. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Check out this clip.  It's very depressing but will help you sort out your own feelings about the events that transpired ten years ago.

After watching this clip, I was in tears thinking about the countless amount of men, women and children who lost their lives on that day due to terrorist.  Innocent people lost their lives at a day of work.  This attack has struck our nation at the core and forced us to join forces with one another despite race, ethnicity, or background. 

Although I was only 16 when it happened, I was still old enough to understand the effect that it had.  However, I didn't know the magnitude it would have on todays airline security.  Just recently, Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed by America's finest (Navy Seals).  Some say he was the conspiracy/leader behind the attacks on 9/11.  Because he is dead and gone now, will this help Americans rest?  Do you feel safer now?

bad news bears

The Chicago bears are off to yet another bad start this season with a 1 win and a 2 loss record.  Today the bad news bears lost to the Green Bay Packers right after loosing to the New Orleans Saints last week.  The bears won the season opener against the Atlanta falcons with a blowout 30-12 score.  After the one game season opener the bears gameplay is surely declining.  Although bears quaterback Jay Cutler has only thrown for one interception this season he is not the only blame for the bears slow performance.  Cutler has minimal pass protection which leaves him virtually open to the defense.  Running back Matt Forte only has one touchdown in three games.  This means the offense isn't putting up much points.  Lets just face the facts.  The Bears have never been the best at creating offensive production but on the contrary the defense wins games.  However, the defense allowed 27 points today versus the Packers and 30 points in game two versus the Saints.  If the Bears can't hold the offense to under 21 points per game it's going to be a long season.  Green Bay quaterback Aaron Rodgers threw for  297 yards and three touchdowns in todays game vs. Chicago.  If the bears defense can't win the game and neither can the offense then maybe Hester and special teams can.  The bears are set to take on the Carolina Panthers next week.  Perhaps special teams can pick up the slack.

hip hop moguls beef

In hop hop news, two of the latest icons have a so called beef with one another.  Rapper Jay-Z also known as Sean Carter and Lil Wayne are fueding over who's the best between the two.  There are several things that make a rapper great.  One being their celebrity or fame and the other being their money.  Jay-Z proclaims his bank account has an ugly number that only an accountant can articulate.  On the contrary, Lil Wayne say's he is the best rapper. Both rappers have sold millions of hip hop albums and have fan bases with insurmountable numbers. Perhaps this beef stems from fans who instigate the drama.  How far will this beef go? 

The last major beef between hip hop artist ended in death.  The late great Notorius Big and Tupac Shukar were once friends until money and territory came into the picture.  The two started to fued with one another over who the better rapper was.  Not too long after both rappers were killed by unknown suspects.
Is this new hip hop beef just to sell records or could it be serious?

football is back

Football is back after a season lockout.  Most people and football fans thought there would be no more football after the National Football League issued a 2011 season lockout.  The reason for this lockout was becuase funds were getting short.  You may think how can the National Football Leaugue be short on funds.  The truth is that players are getting more greedy and wanting more money.  Some players are under 20 million dollar contracts and may not get paid if their is no funds to support them.  Imagine a world without football.  The superbowl alone is watched all over the world and has the most ratings.  This means a lot of viewers are football fans.  Just recently the commissioner of the Nfl announced that football is still alive.  I myself was ecstatic being that I am a die hard Chicago Bears fan.  This link talks more about the Nfl lockout and the exspenses it cost to run the National Football League.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Troy Davis

Troy Anthony Davis was born October 9,1968. He is an african american male who was convicted of shooting and killing a cop.  Seven witnesses testified that they had seen Davis kill the cop.  However, gun used to kill the cop was never found.  Because the bullets in the murder weapon matched bullets from another murder that Davis was implied in, he was automatically imprisoned and set to be executed via death penalty.  David continually remained at a "not guilty"plea since the muder.  Later on in the case the same witnesses whom ham implied Davis in this murder changed their story by saying they never saw Davis murder the cop.  This seems like a story of an african american man wrongfully accused of the murder of a white police officer.  Davis seems to be a victin of being african american.  It's unfortunate that some of the same prejudices that existed back in slavery days still lurk around today.  Who has the ultimate say over life and death?  It shouldn't be a corrupt and racist judicial system, neither a judge or jury who wasn't present when the murder occurred.  Only our creator should have such a power.  If Davis was convicted of an earlier murder then he should pay for his crime as any other person should.  His life shouldn't be taken because the bullets match another murder.  Nor should his life be taken because of the color of his skin.  Check out this website as it welcomes you into the life of an innocent black man who became a true victim of murder.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Barbering Made Simple!!!

This link takes us into the world of barbering.  As you can see, barbering is a diverse talent acquired by both men and woman.  It is also an art form and a way of expressing oneself.  This clip shows true art as you can see.  This gentleman has a picture of Micheal Jackson (a famous musician for over 20 years) cut into the back of his head.  What does this ultimatly say about barbering?  It shows pure, raw talent that is intertwined with music, our culture, and a joy for experimenting. 

Every boy and man needs a fresh haircut after a while.  Wheteher it's a high top fade, low ceaser, buzz cut, or a bald head, it still needs to be cut.  Ultimately this shows the power that barbers aquire.  Imagine a world without them. 

Grooming is essential to how we look and our presentation.  Because most people can't cut their own hair we go to a barbershop.  The barbershop is a place where most men can go and vent about anything.  Sports, television, politics and women are just a few of the hot topics you will probably come across in a shop.  It's the ultimate man cave!